Mirth ACT Development Project
The Associated Charities Trust is working in partnership with the Dept. of Environment and Housing, Limerick City and County Council and the JP Mc Manus Fund to develop the Mirth Housing 18 Apartment project in Limerick. On 25th of July 2017 the Department of Environment and Housing approved a Capital Assistance Scheme Grant to build the project. An enablement works contractor was appointed under procurement guidelines to carryout the demolition of old cottages and sheds on the property and to de-risk the site. These works were completed and tendering processes were carried out under procurement guidelines to secure the appointment of a contractor to build the project. The build commenced in November 2022 and it is targeted for completion in July 2024. When the contractor completes the build of the scheme ACT will work on the fittout of the 18 apartments and make ready for people to move in. This work is scheduled from the end of July to September 2024.
The allocation of housing places at Mirth Housing will be managed under an allocation procedure agreed with LCCC Homeless Action Team. Lease rental conditions and robust ACT management regulations will apply to residents.